Goya Brand Tamales - a Review
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Goya Brand Tamales - a Review
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> Ophelia, I think the Brits often refer to a cake or other dessert as "pudding."
> Anyway, that is what I have deduced from my reading....
> N.
Cake is cake, baked in an oven. It's not pudding.
We often refer to dessert as the pudding course.
Spotted dick is not baked and not a cake; it's a steamed pudding. It's
cooked in steam on the hob, not baked in an oven.
Steamed puddings can be either a sweet dessert (like spotted dick, and
syrup pudding, and Christmas pudding))or a savoury main course (like
steak and kidney pudding, steamed in a suet pastry case).
Black pudding is none of the above; it's a savoury blood sausage and a
classic British recipe. Butchers here make and sell their own recipes.
I wouldn't dream of buying (let alone eating) a tinned version of any
of the above.
Janet UK
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