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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default ping Jill.... southern foods

I am going to be down in your corner of the world in February and I am
wondering about local specialties that should not be missed. I am going
to Tybee Island with some friends from our kayaking club. We are
renting a vacation property and making day trips from there. My wife
does not kayak, but is coming along on the trip.

I know I have to have grits. I have only had grits once before, and that
was at a Bob Evans in Manassas VA. I can't get grits in a restaurant
here. I can't even buy it in a store. The best I have managed was some
quick cooking grits, and I had to cross over to NY state for them.
Shrimp and grits is at the top of my list.

I am wondering about soft shell crab, which you never see here. However,
it looks like they won't be in season.

We have the house rented for two weeks, but my wife and I are only there
for one week. It is a 15 hour driver down there, so it is at least two
days to get down there. That can be stretched to three days. It is the
first time I have ever been down that way so I should take advantage and
have a look around.