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Hank Rogers Hank Rogers is offline
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Posts: 164
Default ping Jill.... southern foods

Dave Smith wrote:
> I am going to be down in your corner of the world in
> February and I am wondering about local specialties that
> should not be missed.
> We have the house rented for two weeks, but my wife and I
> are only there for one week. It is a 15 hour driver down
> there, so it is at least two days to get down there. That
> can be stretched to three days. It is the first time I have
> ever been down that way so I should take advantage and have
> a look around.

You simply must try the excellent southern food at the Dataw
island club

Be sure to bring your wallet though.

On a serious note ... Have you ever tried fried okra as a
side dish? I like it.
Catfish can be good, most is farm raised nowadays, not muddy
tasting, though I have eaten some fine river catfish up
until 20 years ago. Hush puppies can be good. Barbecue can
be good, but you probably have these in spades, even up
there in the frozen hinterlands. It all depends on the
person cooking, and the groceries they have.

Grits are nothing special, just coarse ground corn, and
similar to an italian dish, maybe the only difference is the
fineness of the grind?

Today, in the south, we don't see a lot of the old time
foods, like cracklins, chitlins, sweet tater pie, souse
meat, and it's just as well, I think. Sometimes you might
see them in a small town grocer, along with chicken feet for
making stock, pork liver and brains, etc. But almost never
at restaurants. It's really not 1835 here any more, and not
as magical as you imagine. I don't want to go back to the
good old days