Thread: Ping: GRAHAM
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Boron Boron is offline
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Default Ping: GRAHAM

On Thu, 09 Nov 2017 10:35:44 -0700, U.S. Janet B. >

>On Thu, 09 Nov 2017 06:35:25 -0500, Boron Elgar
> wrote:

>>Depending on how bored I get, 4 loaves of PR's Wild Rice & Onion, and
>>maybe few Anadama.

>that first paragraph in the Wild Rice and Onion under Do Ahead is
>something that I have done for years and years. So many years that I
>thought it was my method. Peter must have read one of my posts and
>copied it ;-)

I bet he did!!!

>Do you use wild rice? Given the texture of wild rice, I would think
>substituting for a different grain would make a huge difference.

Funny you should mention that - I only have enough to make a 2-loaf
batch (the original recipe) and am going to stop at the store to look
for some, because I figured that regular rice won't cut it for texture
or flavor, BUT, I am betting that steel-cut oats might do it,
especially as I do have some wild rice. Truly, though, I love the
nuttiness that the wild rice contributes. Maybe if I toast the oats?
>Thank you, but I have a copy of the Chocolate Cherry Sourdough.

>The Anadama looks pretty much like the couple that I have and haven't
>made in a long time.

Yeah, been ages since I made it, too. I have been sticking to lean
doughs lately, flatbreads/focaccia-type with herbs, quick round
loaves. I just mix a preferment, add to it the next day and on the 3rd
day make a dough. No kneading at all....tuck it in the fridge, and
bake whatever the next day.

I am tempted to see how the Reinhardt and anadama come out with no
real kneading.

>I lost my veggies to cold about a month ago. The herbs are still
>going fine. I'm so happy that I took the time to scald, peel and chop
>excess tomatoes as they came along. You wouldn't believe the
>difference that 'fresh' tomato taste makes in cooking -- and I've got
>another 2 dozen 16 ounce packages in the freezer :-)
>Have a good holiday
>Janet US

I have a freezer full of tomatoes, too, but I froze them whole - adds
a whole 'nother task to using them up.

You have a great holiday, too.