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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default ping Jill.... southern foods

On 2017-11-09 5:26 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote in

>> It will be for me. I noted that the average Feb. temperature is 62 F,
>> compared to our average of about 20F. The first time the temperature
>> hits 40F after Christmas people will go out in T shirts.

> Well Dave, now you know to check and see if they have the softshells
> frozen from past season. It may be too small a place to do that as
> Jill seems to indicate.

Having never had soft shell I would not know the difference between
fresh and frozen. You can't get it at all here.Fresh crab is a rare
find here. Fresh okra is another think I don't recall ever seeing in
stores here. I have had it before and I can take it or leave it. I am
hoping that they do something with it down there that makes it a popular
item there.

> Meantime my guesses are this: If you don't see okra or grits used in
> the menu, you won't get much of the uniqueness of the costal south on
> what we eat. LOL, it's not all catfish and crawdads!

Thank goodness. It has been a while since I have had catfish. That is
something that is usually available here, but which I never learned to
appreciate. Shrimp OTOH