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Casa de los peregrinos Casa de los peregrinos is offline
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Posts: 890
Default Creating my way out of failure

On 11/9/2017 4:02 PM, wrote:
> On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 5:10:54 PM UTC-5, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>> On 11/9/2017 3:06 PM,
>>> On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 10:54:50 AM UTC-5, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>>> On 11/8/2017 5:12 PM,
>>>>> On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 5:33:59 PM UTC-5, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>>>>> On 11/7/2017 2:46 PM,
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 2:25:43 AM UTC-5, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 6 Nov 2017 11:18:57 -0800 (PST),
>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, my first job was cab driving.
>>>>>>>>> I thought I recognized you. I think all of your old buddies here left
>>>>>>>>> except maybe dsi1. And there's always Casa Boner - he'll be sucking
>>>>>>>>> up to you soon trying to make friends.
>>>>>>>>> -sw
>>>>>>>> I do not want to picture Boner sucking anything.
>>>>>>> Usually when a boner is mentioned it's getting sucked. So yes it would be funny to see it used in reverse, an army of boners attacking the body of a sleeping person and screwing themselves deep into the person's pores so that every inch of the person's body is covered in a tent of pulsating bonerism.
>>>>>>> TJ
>>>>>> Bro, that's warped!
>>>>>> ;-)
>>>>> Not gonna say any warping on my part is intentional, but I am aware of it and certainly not ashamed of it or I would keep my mouth shut. People are becoming more warped all the time. But also more afraid to admit it at the same time. Bad combination. They are becoming more warped because the world is spinning faster and faster all the time and centrifugal force is pulling our heads from our shoulders and causing all sorts of flab to be drawn out even from the scrawniest or most physically fit among us. One day the world will spin so fast it will explode. Bits and fragments of human life (and death) will be blown into the great and never ending beyond. It will take a long time after the big bang for the luxury of warping things to return. It's an art, like sculpting. So while we're still alive and have the chance, for the love of God, let's warp.
>>>> That was self-important and geomorphically inaccurate paranoia.
>>>> The world is NOT spinning faster to some climax fly-apart friend, really:
>>>> The world turns slightly faster and slower on a regular 5.9-year cycle,
>>>> a new study suggests. Researchers also found small speed changes that
>>>> happen at the same time as sudden alterations in Earths magnetic field.
>>>> The worlds rotation speed can change slightly, by up to milliseconds
>>>> per day, because of shifts in winds or the movement of fluid in Earths
>>>> interior. Scientists can measure how fast the Earth spins by observing
>>>> distant objects in space and timing how long they take to come back into
>>>> view€‰€”€‰that is one day length.
>>>> The new study, published in the July 11 Nature, found trends in day
>>>> length after subtracting the effect of weather, allowing researchers to
>>>> home in on the effect of Earths fluid core.
>>> Those are interesting scientific facts. But with everyone on the same page we can lose science altogether. I say the world is spinning faster than ever before. Even if I'm wrong, what if it happens one day? We should be ready for it.

>> I think you need to get some basic physics down and ask what would cause
>> the earth to spin faster and faster to a climax state.
>> I doubt it's conceivable even in theory.
>>> This is my plan. Line up the population of earth - able bodied men and women of all ages - and have them hold hands while encircling the equator. Now have them begin to walk slowly against the earth's rotation. In time the walkers will become stronger and more fit. Now they can jog or trot, sometimes even run. In time the counter rotation walk/run event will slow the earth's rotation, in time even reversing it so time stands still. We can reverse the aging process if we can reverse the earth's rotation. Come on, Casa Baby, let's do this thing!
>>> TJ

>> Reverse the aging process too, really?
>> I'm still having trouble imagining an equatorial conga line that doesn't
>> get we feet before we ever make a ripple in time or space, let alone on
>> earth.

> A bridge for the equatorial conga line is being built as we speak.


Now there's infrastructure for ya!

> Now, to tell the truth, I do not believe the world is spinning faster, only the frazzled brains of it's human occupants.

That I believe, due to:

The Schumann resonances are oscillating magnetic frequencies that happen
in the Earths electromagnetic spectrum. They are said to be generated
by electromagnetic changes that happen within the earths core, that
then affect the earths surface, and ionosphere, including the sentient
beings living upon it. This resonance has been about the same for
hundreds, if not thousands of years, but it seems to be changing. Why?

It has been assumed that the Earth, along with all living things on
earth, is surrounded and protected with this natural frequency of
pulsation of 7.83 HZ, or the Schumann resonance. The ancient Indian
Rishis called this sound, OM. Whether by coincidence or not, it also
happens to be a very powerful frequency to use with brainwave
entertainment allowing human beings to access their full brains, and
heightened consciousness.

Though the Schumann resonance can vary dependent upon the geographic
location, it has been hovering around 7.8 cycles per second for years.
This resonance is thought to be the "heartbeat of the earth, an
oscillating frequency which we ourselves attune to in order to stay in
balance energetically.

Gregg Braden claims to have found evidence that HAARP and other
weaponized weather is messing with the Schumann resonance, offering that
there is evidence in the Seattle librarys archives, and though this has
not been verified, many others have suggested that that the Schumann
frequency is not only altered to control us, but that we can also alter
it, depending on our own level of consciousness.

In 2014, it was considered anomalous for the Schumann resonance
frequency to have risen from its usual 7.83 HZ to somewhere in the 15-25

>As things go faster and faster multi-tasking takes over and many mistakes occur.


> As for the greenhouse effect, I don't need no stinkin' basic physics to understand what's happening. Ever see one of those glass balls people have around Christmas time that when you shake it snow comes down on the quaint farmhouse and pastures within? That's your green house effect.

Mostly yes.

There's nothing you or can add to the globe externally, is there?

> Naturally the more people on earth the foggier and hotter things are going to get.

Which increases high cloud reflectance, diminished solar input and leads
to...wait for early onset ICE AGE!

And darn it, we're overdue for one as we speak.

> But I don't care because I also believe that humans can adjust to any and all changes as long as they happen slow enough.


> We can live at 200 degrees below zero if we lose, let's say a half degree every century. It would take a while, but that's the point.

Nope, false point.

Only a solar crisis would make it go that low.

Which will of course happen one day, a long ways off.

> Anyway, I am an intuitive scientist of the highest order, so yes I will admit I know little of basic physics, which means nothing because basic physics, as well as basic medicine and basic math, are nothing compared to the truth of intuitive science (in the right hands of course).

Sort of...

> Deep down many of us know many things, a lot more than we pretend to know. A lot of what we don't know is not because we are too stupid, but because we are too afraid to know the truth.
> Dr. TJ

The latter I agree with totally.

We're gullible sheople.

And when the shepherd's gone away we seek leader sheep to tell us where
to go and what to do.

When all we really need is a good herding dog and plenty of fresh grass.
