Thread: $24 meatloaf
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Leftover meatloaf: Was: $4.20 meatloaf - Was:: $24 meatloaf

"Hank Rogers" > wrote in message
>l not -l wrote:
>> My son and I had eaten some of the $4.20 meatloaf when freshly
>> made, then ate more as reheated leftover, and then I ate it
>> again. I was getting a bit tired of leftover meatloaf. I know
>> some like cold meatloaf sandwiches - I don't . There was still a
>> bit left and I was thinking of tossing it.
>> Having recently made fish and chips, I had a little bit of batter
>> left over and saved it. For lunch, I added a little club soda to
>> thin out the batter and coated a slice of meatloaf with it then
>> pan fried it. Wow; that was good; I'll definitely do that again.

> That sounds like an idea to try. I also don't like cold meatloaf, nor cold
> pizza, though some people do like them cold. I have found that meatloaf,
> especially if it is moistened) can be warmed pretty well in a microwave,
> if the power is turned down to 40 or 50%. I've also just reheated it in a
> small skillet, which works well, and puts a little crustyness, but I never
> thought about coating it first .

I don't much like pizza but if I have to eat it, it has to be room temp if
not cold.
> Some folks get the most powerful microwave they can find, and always run
> it on high; then they complain about the poor results