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Casa de los peregrinos Casa de los peregrinos is offline
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Default ping Jill.... southern foods

On 11/10/2017 6:13 AM, Gary wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> On 11/9/2017 9:04 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>> Dave Smith wrote in

>>>> Yeah, I have been sucked into that with fried liver. People will
>>>> agree that improperly cooked liver is bad but theirs is great, or
>>>> that a particular restaurant has really good liver. You try it and it
>>>> like all the other bad liver you have had, like chewing suede. I
>>>> don't care for turnip and if collard greens are anything like the
>>>> other greens I have had... no thanks.
>>> OHH Liver is the worst. I heave my cookies at the stench of it cooking.

>> The office building where I worked had a cafeteria. The only
>> thing they served that you knew before you got into the
>> front door was ... liver's on the menu today. Blech. that
>> smell.

> Interesting how so many people here seem to hate liver.
> I've only had chicken livers but I absolutely love them.
> I don't eat them often but it's always a treat.
> Thinking about buying some soon. 20oz container
> and very cheap per pound.
> Either floured and deep fried, with fries on the plate
> and maybe some coleslaw...
> or
> Sautéed with onions in a frying pan and a gravy
> somehow made with them. Along with mashed potatoes
> and chunky applesauce on the plate.
> either way is a big YUM to me.

The lowly chicken liver is perhaps surpassed only by the sublime heart
and oft times rubbery gizzard.

But for flavor - hard to beat.

We see pressure fried livers nd gizzards at most supermarket deli sections.

One of those occasional treats not to be made a daily staple of, imo.