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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default ping Jill.... southern foods

On 2017-11-10 10:20 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2017-11-10, U.S Janet B > wrote:
>> It used to be you could get liver in the butcher section of
>> the supermarket and pick out what you wanted or even better, the
>> butcher would cut the thickness you wanted.

> As I understand it, the liver (in any animal) filters out all the bad
> stuff. IOW, if yer eating liver, yer eating all the things the
> animal's liver has filtered out of its own system. While I love beef
> liver, I quit eating it about 10 yrs ago. 8|

I guess there is that to it, but don't forget that the things that are
filtered out in the liver started off in the other cells of the body.
The blood and it's fluids carry them to the liver and kidneys to be
cleaned out. Actually, it is the kidneys that do the filtering. There
are things happening in the liver to de-toxify chemicals. It also
produces bile to help break down fat and it produces protiens.

As for the stuff that is being filtered it, it is already in most other
parts of the body. It is filtered out mainly by osmosis, so it's just a
matter of the concentration. Don't kid yourself into thinking that if
you avoid the liver and kidneys you won't be getting that stuff from the
other parts of the animals you are eating.