ping Jill.... southern foods
On 2017-11-10 4:27 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >, cshenk1
> says...
>> Janet wrote in
>>> In article >, cshenk1
>>> says...
>>>> Actually, didnt Gary just post that he moved to Texas?
>>> No, that is yet another example of your idiotic misrepresentations
>>> of who posted what.
>>> Gary has repeatedly said that he loves wjhete he lives and has no
>>> intention of moving anywhere.
>>> Janet UK
>> We have more than one Gary here. Perhaps it was another or a misread.
> Desperate, much?
> I've never seen another Gary here, just Ferret Gary.
What do you think the chances are that she made a type and instead of
"Perhaps it was was a another or a misread" and she had meant to say
"I misread"?
Nah. I guess that would look like an acknowledgement and that she was
wrong. Maybe she can find someone to accuse of editing someone else's post.