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Posts: 347
Default Creating my way out of failure

On Friday, November 10, 2017 at 7:21:02 AM UTC-5, Ophelia wrote:
> wrote in message
> ...
> On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 5:59:10 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> >[ekm]296x296[ekm].jpg
> >
> > Here, eat some brains:
> >
> >

> You are correct, I didn't use a real gun. I pretend shot the guy. It was a
> fake gun, no bullets, a starter pistol. I backed the dude up, had him
> really scared. "Now you're going to die", I said, pulling the trigger and
> activating the blank gun's loud report. At the sound of it my victim curled
> up and went down. He clutched his stomach even though I had been aiming at
> his head. "Are you playing with me?", I boomed, "trying to fool me, are
> you?" But it was real. I took his pulse, it was not detectable. The guy
> was temporarily dead. I had indeed shot a man in Reno just to watch him
> die. But he didn't die. He woke up a short time later. I had scared him
> "half to death".
> Another time, (in Reno would you believe) I used the same blank gun as a
> means of defense against an enraged loonie who had just lost a bundle at the
> casino in which I sat playing the slot machines. He had his eyes on me.
> "Outside", he boomed, "let's go, outside", grabbing me and forcing me out
> the door. No one came to my aid.
> Once we got outside the guy told me he was ****ed and was going to take it
> out on me. "Looks like you're today's lottery winner", he said with a sick
> grin. He advanced towards me with veins bulging in his massive forearms.
> His fists were up, I knew I had no chance. I drew my fake gun and told him
> to stop. "Move one more step, just one, and I swear to God I'll blow you
> apart."
> He laughed and kept coming. With each step he took I cautioned anew, "One
> more step, just one, and I'll use this gun on you." Finally he got close
> enough to grab me. I knew I had to use the gun even though it was fake.
> Not only was it fake - a blank gun - it wasn't even holding blanks. But
> when he got really close to me, was about to grab me, I tightened my grip on
> the fake gun and squeezed the trigger and yelled, "Bang", three straight
> times really loud. He laughed so loud he fell down. Then I went to town on
> him with the fake gun's handle. I slammed his head into a pancake and kept
> hammering it until it was a thin as a half dollar. Then I cut off his
> flattened head and took it back inside the casino and used it on the half
> dollar slot machine and won a million dollars as a large crowd of people
> cheered my victory loudly. I will never forget that day.
> ==
> lol you have a brilliant imagination I will give you that) Most
> entertaining)
> --

Thanks. I rip that stuff out fast, no thought - maybe you can tell. I appreciate your comments, big time.