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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default 55 Vintage Recipes From the '50s Worth Trying Today

"Doris Night" wrote in message

On Fri, 10 Nov 2017 19:24:58 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

> wrote in message
>I don't know how tuna noodle casserole differs from tuna fish casserole,
>I'm pretty sure the only times I heard of either one was when people were
>insulting it - usually in print. (One humor book described it as a 1970s
>dish best forgotten - or something like that.)
>I have to say that I've only seen 20 of the dishes, whether on a restaurant
>menu or at anyone's party.
>And it reminds me of a scene from Chapter 6 in the book "Cheaper by the
>Dozen," when Dad, an engineer, says this - in the year 1922:
>€œI want to teach all of you how to multiply two-digit numbers in your
> head,€
>Dad announced at dinner.
>€œNot of general interest,€ said Anne...
>...€œThose who do not think it is of general interest may leave the table
>go to their rooms,€ Dad said coldly, €œand I understand there is apple pie
>Nobody left.
>€œSince everyone now appears to be interested,€ said Dad, €œI will explain
>it's done.€
>It was a complicated thing for children to understand and it involved
>memorizing the squares of all numbers up to twenty-five. But Dad took it
>slowly, and within a couple of months the older children had learned all
>tricks involved...
>(Something pretty funny and unexpected happens after that!)
>But my point was, that threat about the pie wouldn't work on most kids
>nowadays; they'd likely think: "Huh? Why would I want to eat something as
>hokey as APPLE PIE?"
>Maybe for breakfast. Not for dessert, when today, almost anyone can get ice
>cream a couple of blocks away. Maybe even a hot fudge sundae.
>I made the mistake of buying an apple pie. Apparently teens these days


I make apple pie all the time for my teenage grandchildren, nieces &
nephews, etc. It all gets scarfed down.

Perhaps they didn't like it because you *bought* it? Store-bought pies
generally suck.



I make it too, but I would never buy one.
