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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Amish Beef Roast (in foil)

"U.S. Janet B." wrote in message

On Sat, 11 Nov 2017 11:41:34 -0000, "Ophelia" >

>"U.S. Janet B." wrote in message
.. .
>On Fri, 10 Nov 2017 14:09:45 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:
>>U.S. Janet B. wrote in
>>> On Fri, 10 Nov 2017 10:00:39 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>>> wrote:
>>> snip
>>> >
>>> > I have noticed that Usians have a lot of dipping pots on the table.
>>> > It's not something I do
>>> >
>>> I don't understand this comment.
>>> Janet US

>>It's ok Janet, it's a UK translation to call it a dipping pot. (I've
>>seen it before called that by UK folks in other social media). We
>>don't do it (USA folks or me) with all meals but it can be very
>>ethnically determined.
>>As far as I know, we'd mostly call them bowls and it's really common
>>where I have lived, to have individual ones where you dipped some out
>>to your own small one or if thick enough to not run, to your plate.
>>Here's one query, I wonder if the UK uses the term 'bread plate'?

>My vocabulary is fine and I understand the term and concept. I was
>questioning the comment not the words.
>I used 'pot' because that is what came to mind when I was describing it but
>I can't say it is common usage.

what I was questioning was where did you get the idea that folks in
the US have "a lot of dipping pots on the table' ? I never have one
dipping pot on the table Well, I take that back. If I am serving
something vaguely Asian, I might provide little sauce (1/2 cup or
less) dish on each plate for the individual to dip whatever the food
is. Anything else is dressed in the kitchen for service. I didn't
want to sound confrontational. I just wondered what you were
Please Carol, do not get involved. I was asking Ophelia what she
Janet US


Ahh ... I have seen a lot of people here mention the 'pots/bowls' and
'dipping' and I supposed they were the norm.

Apologies if I got that wrong.

Always difficult to define things like that in a chat group
