On 2017-11-11, U.S Janet B > wrote:
> taste buttery (riding the coattails of the Yellow Finn).
> As far as I am concerned the Yukon Gold is neither fish nor
> fowl.
> I would choose the Yellow Finn but business-wise, the
> Yellow Finn is physically a small potato and wouldn't do as well for
> customer sales.
Interesting insight, Janet.
I usta work in a russet potato plant in E. WA when I was in high
school. It's mostly all I'll eat, today. Hashbrowns, mashed, etc.
Gold's always seemed to be a poor cross between new red potatoes and
russets. I'm not impressed. Never heard of a Yellow Finn. But then,
I jes heard about 'moon drop grapes'. They look like hemorrhoids!