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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default 55 Vintage Recipes From the '50s Worth Trying Today

"Ferret Gary" wrote in message ...

Dave Smith wrote:
> Given the choice of a good home made style pie from a bakery for $15 and
> a home made pie, I make my own. I am lucky to have the knack for making
> and rolling pastry, which a lot of people seem to have trouble with.

I'm crust challenged. Probably because I've used oil rather that
lard or butter. That said, what I make is still a big improvement
over anything you can buy commercially. I always make a couple of
one crust sweet potato pies each holiday season. Occassionally,
I'll make a two crust apple pie. Again no comparison to the lousy
store or bakery pies.

I try to avoid making any pies or desserts as I'll eat them up
too fast.


Yes, that could be a problem
