Creating my way out of failure
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Posts: 126
Creating my way out of failure
On 11/10/2017 5:11 PM,
> On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 6:24:20 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>> On 11/9/2017 4:15 PM,
>>> On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 5:59:10 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> Here, eat some brains:
>>> You are correct, I didn't use a real gun. I pretend shot the guy. It was a fake gun, no bullets, a starter pistol. I backed the dude up, had him really scared. "Now you're going to die", I said, pulling the trigger and activating the blank gun's loud report. At the sound of it my victim curled up and went down. He clutched his stomach even though I had been aiming at his head. "Are you playing with me?", I boomed, "trying to fool me, are you?" But it was real. I took his pulse, it was not detectable. The guy was temporarily dead. I had indeed shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. But he didn't die. He woke up a short time later. I had scared him "half to death".
>> I applaud your revising your first claim.
>>> Another time, (in Reno would you believe) I used the same blank gun as a means of defense against an enraged loonie who had just lost a bundle at the casino in which I sat playing the slot machines. He had his eyes on me. "Outside", he boomed, "let's go, outside", grabbing me and forcing me out the door. No one came to my aid.
>>> Once we got outside the guy told me he was ****ed and was going to take it out on me. "Looks like you're today's lottery winner", he said with a sick grin. He advanced towards me with veins bulging in his massive forearms. His fists were up, I knew I had no chance. I drew my fake gun and told him to stop. "Move one more step, just one, and I swear to God I'll blow you apart."
>>> He laughed and kept coming. With each step he took I cautioned anew, "One more step, just one, and I'll use this gun on you." Finally he got close enough to grab me. I knew I had to use the gun even though it was fake. Not only was it fake - a blank gun - it wasn't even holding blanks. But when he got really close to me, was about to grab me, I tightened my grip on the fake gun and squeezed the trigger and yelled, "Bang", three straight times really loud. He laughed so loud he fell down. Then I went to town on him with the fake gun's handle. I slammed his head into a pancake and kept hammering it until it was a thin as a half dollar. Then I cut off his flattened head and took it back inside the casino and used it on the half dollar slot machine and won a million dollars as a large crowd of people cheered my victory loudly. I will never forget that day.
>> Lotsa anger in you, why is that?
>> Oh and btw - get yourself one of these before someone ****s you over
>> playing with fake guns
>> At least you'll have time to retreat.
> No anger, just humor, for which you and millions around the world should be grateful. Even if you don't laugh, at least you won't cry on my behalf.
I might, you simply can't know.
> So be thankful that I have channeled what you call my anger into something less intrusive. And thanks for applauding me for being to revise things. Maybe I didn't revise it, maybe I simply explained it the second time in a way you couldn't understand the first time. Anyway, thanks for softening up on me Sqwertz. Now, if you're ready to resume attacking me, please feel free to return to your normal habits. Onward!
You stole my last pack of smokes, didn't you?
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