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Default Creating my way out of failure

On Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 1:03:32 PM UTC-5, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:

> Good pun - life exists in parallel dimensions and they are now
> interacting more actively.

Hah hah. I have a feeling there is no way out. We come back. As a lobster, a spider, or, as already stated, as chaotic unbridled energy of some kind looking for something to crawl into. I don't mind the idea of dying as long as I can be assured it's final. I am not convinced. After all I'm here now and don't recall asking for it. And why are animals so afraid of dying anyway? I'll tell you why. Because we are all saddled with the annoying will to live. Even if we want to die we still have to fight the annoying urge to live. This is because deep down we know we don't die all the way. We come back. We may already be here as everything but are capable of knowing only one existence at a time. Regardless, while I don't look forward to being dead and not breathing, I wouldn't mind it if it were pure death - no awareness of any kind - and if it lasted forever. Otherwise I would prefer to live forever as who and what I am right now. But of course so far there is nothing we can do about it anyway, so just grab those rails tight and white knuckle your way into the darkness, like a child taking a roller coaster ride against his will. Hold on baby, here it comes!