Thread: FRIGID
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default FRIGID

On Sat, 11 Nov 2017 20:59:05 -0500, wrote:

>17ºF this morning, but Ebenezer is just fine in his heated shelter:
>Morning frost:
>Ferals here are very well fed and cared for, much better than many of
>yoose. They have their heated water bowls and heated canned food
>bowls... they love their Fancy Feast w/gravy

Total crap brand.

>, and they get their Purina kitten chow treats too.

Another total crap supermarket brand.

If you can't afford to feed them anything decent, then so be it, but
it's nothing to be proud of.

Don't you have TV programs or magazines that test and compare stuff
there? Or are they all paid by pet food companies?