Thread: FRIGID
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Default FRIGID

On Sun, 12 Nov 2017 12:24:52 -0500, jmcquown >

>On 11/11/2017 9:51 PM, wrote:
>> On Sat, 11 Nov 2017 18:34:15 -0800 (PST), ImStillMags
>> > wrote:
>>> On Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 5:59:09 PM UTC-8, Sheldon wrote:
>>>> 17ºF this morning, but Ebenezer is just fine in his heated shelter:

>>> that's a handsome cat. I'm sure your ferals reward you by keeping the rodent population down

>> Ebby is a beauty. I wish we can coach him indoors. Unfortunately he
>> is very feral.

>He looks like he knows it! He doesn't appear to be the least bit camera

It was early morning and he's waiting for his treats, but as soon as
that sliding glass door moves he's off to under the deck. When he
hears the door close he's back for his treats. He knows me and
sometimes he just backs off but stays on the deck. His partner Joiner
will sometimes step inside and rub noses with the inside cats. As
soon as the grass drys they are off to hunt... they hunt all day
between naps in the barn... they have a heated house and water bowl
there too. I can tell when their hunting was good because they don't
eat much when they return for the night. During summers they spend
most nights in the barn and come to the deck first thing in the
morning, spend just long enough to check out and mark their territory
and off to hunt again. They hunt in the back near the barn, they
never go out front near the road... they don't like the sound of cars.
They sometimes hunt the house side of the creek but never cross to the
road side. They much prefer to hunt the creek that runs behind the
barn, lots of frogs and small fish there. During warm weather they
stay out of the wildflower meadow too, there are vernal ponds and the
Canada geese nest there, they know not to mess with those geese....
they will walk among the herds of deer but not near the geese. When
people visit I warn them to keep their distance from the geese.