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  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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zxcvbob > wrote in message >...
> > zxcvbob > wrote in message >...
> >
> >>I'm making some blueberry liqueur right now, and I wish I had kept
> >>better notes . . .

> >

> I just the original recipe scribbled on a scrap of paper and it looks
> liked the cat peed on it:

I was just looking at my new (formerly pristine) BBB. There're
several water-shrunk (look like relief maps) syrup-spattered pages in
the center. I was trying to remember what happened. Then it came to
me. "Ah yes. Hot-pack plums."

By the way, I found another confiture recipe you might find
interesting. It's from Alain Ducasse and is essentially the same as
the one I originally posted (but without the problems, as it does not
add sugar syrup in the first stage). You can find it at in the fruit recipes index "The Old Bachelor's
Fruit Preserves." Wish I'd seen it earlier.

Must go. 16 pints of creamed corn in the canner.
