Thread: FRIGID
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default FRIGID

On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1:17:22 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
> Yes I sous vide a lot of things. They freeze beautifully too.
> I had a whole bunch of pork chops so I prepped them sous vide and now they
> are awaiting my attention in the freezer)
> We are going down to the farm next week and I have those chops in my travel
> freezer. I don't have a sous vide machine down there, but I see there is
> now something called a 'joule' which doesn't take up anything like the space
> of my sous vide machine. Mine does have a saving grace though, that I can
> use it if I want to slow cook a large amount.
> --

Well thank you for writing all about it. That's what got me interested in the process. Looks like I'm one of your disciples now. I shall go forth and spread the gospel.