The OP didn't ask how your commercial kitchen works and
frankly nobody cares except the tax collector.
On Tue, 07 Sep 2004 01:57:34 -0400, "Bob (this one)"
> wrote:
> sf wrote:
> > On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 01:47:31 -0400, "Bob (this one)"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> > still in use, unlike your "Lodge" skillets.
> >>
> >> This is astonishing.
> >
> > Not really.
> >
> >> What do you want? Shall I say your ideas about
> >> cast iron are infinitely superior to mine? Shall I say that your
> >> infallible understanding far exceeds anything I've ever been able to
> >> see? Your brilliance borders on, um, brilliant? I only say this
> >> because you seem to know what has become of my "Lodge" skillets. I
> >> really like those "quotes" around "Lodge" as though they imply some
> >> flaw or something.
> >
> >
> > I put those quotes around "Lodge" because you felt you had
> > to proclaim a brand which I think is... silly, stupid <your
> > choice> to proclaim unless you're hawking the brand.
> Could you be more dense? Hawking? I mentioned the kind we used. It was
> data for the purpose of identification. Lodge is the most commonly
> sold brand in the US and is thus a benchmark for anyone else reading
> this. What brand are the ones you use? Oh, wait. If you said it would
> be "hawking" them. Right.
> But it certainly is instructive to watch you construct this sort of
> crap logic and gas-based opinions merely to be taking shots. I find
> your effort to inject this smarmy bit of snottiness "silly, stupid
> <your choice>."
> Hawking...
> Here, hawk this...
> >> We used skillets. Some warped and some cracked. Most did just fine. We
> >> used *hundreds* of skillets over the years. You've used what, four?
> >
> >
> > Yean, my 5 have lasted. In fact 3 of the 5 were inherited
> > and came via my mother from my grandmother, probably my
> > greatgrandmother. You, on the other hand, kill 10 out of 60
> > pans per year.... that's not a good track record for you or
> > a plus in the Lodge column.
> And your bullshit-based opinions ring through the halls. Do you think
> it's likely that *all* your pans haven't been used as much as any one
> of ours?
> We used each pan probably a thousand times in each year (we used them
> for all 3 meals in the restaurant, 2 meals in the bar and for some of
> our 6 or so banquets every day). On commercial stoves that likely turn
> out more heat from one burner than your entire stove does. That 10 out
> of 60 means that each pan on average was used more than 5,000 times.
> Cold to hot very quickly, onto a pewter liner to sizzle while being
> delivered, to table, to dishwasher back to kitchen for reuse - 365
> days a year.
> Given the amount of use and the uses to which they were put, I'd say
> they did a fine job. Cheap, attractive, effective, replaceable. No one
> with a grain of sense judges restaurant conditions and effects by
> home-cooking criteria.
> >> I'm sure you must be very proud of your skillets. They braved the
> >> fierce heat of the oven to press on for truth, beauty, motherhood and
> >> corn bread. Never deterred from their appointed rounds and striding
> >> purposefully into the future in spite of your bizarre treatment of
> >> them. Clinging to their mission to cook and provide for the masses. A
> >> part of the family to be cherished and stuck in a very hot oven for
> >> some strange reason.
> >
> > Yours fall apart and mine don't.
> <LOL> Fall apart...
> Like your opinions...
> Pastorio
Practice safe eating - always use condiments