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Default Christmas Baking

On Wed, 15 Nov 2017 22:40:43 -0500, Doris Night
> wrote:

>On Wed, 15 Nov 2017 15:15:55 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>I had to move up my Christmas baking schedule because I have to make a
>>quick trip to the west coast. Today's baking was light fruitcake. I am
>>well aware that a lot of people don't like Christmas fruit cakes, but
>>some of us do, and some our friends count on a gift of it. I went out a
>>couple days ago and bought enough butter, eggs, raisins, glazed
>>pineapple and green and red cherries. I also got some pitted prunes
>>because they are good in it even if the recipe does not call them.
>>I spent the morning making one batch and the afternoon on the second
>>batch. It takes about hour to mix the stuff up, line the pans and spoon
>>in the batter, and then two hours cooking time. The are all on the
>>cooling rack now. After they are cooled I will give them a liberal dose
>>of brandy and wrap them up.
>>No time to bake tomorrow. I have to get packed and prepare a eulogy,
>>find old pictures. I have an early morning flight and get back here
>>around 5 am Monday.

>Sorry to hear you have a funeral to go to. I'm thinking it was someone
>close to you, as you are doing the eulogy.
>Anyway, have a nice time on the west coast. I'm guessing you'll be
>catching up with lots of old friends and relatives.
>When you get back, I'll have to bug you about your light fruitcake
>recipe. I think if I left out the raisins I'd like it quite a bit. (I
>hate raisins.)

Use currants instead, you may like them.