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Terry Coombs Terry Coombs is offline
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Default What do you eat with salmon?

On 11/16/2017 9:20 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I am going to cook the salmon simply. Just baked, probably with some
> lemon. No, I won't be eating it. I do know how to cook it, just
> haven't made it for years. What would you serve with it? Anything
> goes. The people who will eating it are not picky.
> Thanks!

* How about parsley potatoes (cubed , boiled , butter salt and parsley)
and glazed carrots (butter & brown sugar simmered until the sugar melts
, add drained carrots , a dash of nutmeg , allspice , and cloves - cook
over low heat until the glaze dissolves and coats the carrots) ?

* --

* Snag