Thread: Dinner
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Terry Coombs Terry Coombs is offline
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Default Dinner

On 11/16/2017 8:23 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I just finished roasting three delicata squash. Cut in half, gutted,
> cut in 1/2 slices, salt, pepper, olive oil, then put on a metal pan at
> 425 degrees, roasting and flipping every 10 minutes or so. These took
> 30 minutes. Someone just tasted a piece and said they were really good!
> Will also be making Haricot Verts (frozen) with a lemon sauce similar
> to Bucca De Beppo. Basically olive oil, salt, pepper and a lot of
> fresh lemon juice. Additional foods will be smoked pork chops and mac
> and cheese from Bob Evans. It isn't bad and between coupons and sales
> I got it for next to nothing. Will probably also serve applesauce.

* I cooked a small pork roast in the small slow cooker with some
mushroom soup/mushrooms . Fixed some smashed potatoes and canned carrots
to go with it and the wife made us a couple of green salads . We tend to
simple fare , basic dishes . Y'all can have them dishes with the fancy
names , but to me one pork chop is pretty much like another ...

* --

* Snag