What do you eat with salmon?
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Julie Bove[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Plating Food (WAS: What do you eat with salmon?)
"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 11/18/2017 1:24 PM,
>> On Sat, 18 Nov 2017 10:44:46 -0500, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> On 11/17/2017 2:30 PM, Cheri wrote:
>>>> "U.S. Janet B." > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Fri, 17 Nov 2017 14:10:11 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>>>>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>>>> "Gary" wrote:
>>>>>>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Yes, as they eat with your eyes first.
>>>>>>>> Not me.
>>>>>>>> My taste buds have taken over my body's food choices.
>>>>>>> No problem, I want my food to look good on the plate as well as
>>>>>>> taste good.
>>>>>>> It doesn't take much time to present an attractive plate, at least
>>>>>>> food that
>>>>>>> is attractive to us. Now, if I lived by myself...I still would do it
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> way. LOL
>>>>>> Lazy Gary here. heheh Anytime I cook for even one other, I
>>>>>> always consider the presentation but NEVER just for me. Not only
>>>>>> my lousy blurry camera, this is another reason that I don't send
>>>>>> meal pics often. Once it comes out of the oven or off the stove,
>>>>>> I plate and eat while it's nice and hot.
>>>>> I don't 'plate'. The food is attractive before I dish it up. Who has
>>>>> time to arrange stuff on a plate. It ought to look mouth watering
>>>>> when it is done cooking.]
>>>>> Janet US
>>>> Me, I have time, some don't.
>>>> Cheri
>>> I've got time but I don't spend most of it taking pics of what I've
>>> cooked.
>> Takes UNDER FIVE SECONDS to snap a pic. The difficult part is to
>> remember before you finish eating... I often forget too...
>> occasionally I've posted a pic of the left overs the next day and just
>> don't say.
>>> I'd really rather just cook and eat it. But if I *am* going to
>>> take a pic, I do tend to try to make it look good. Therefore,
>>> "presentation".
>>> I don't do that sort of thing when I'm not going to take a picture. I
>>> don't run out and buy fresh herbs or a lemon to show sliced next to
>>> whatever. I'm cooking for myself.
>>> No need to garnish the plate.
>> True... just place your wine glass in the pic. lol
>> I don't usually garnish for rfc pics, only time I garnish is for
>> company, and not always. However it's not all that difficult to
>> arrange food attractively rather than toss it on a plate haphazardly.
> Agreed about that. Still, I don't "arrange" it.
>> Jill, don't you have a box of those oriental paper umbrellas, you
>> must... that's garnish aplenty... and they're reusable unless it's an
>> outdoor event and it rains.
> Oriental paper umbrellas?! Why on earth would I have those?
Why wouldn't you? I have some. Also little frilly toothpicks and plastic
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Julie Bove[_2_]
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