"Janet" > wrote in message
.. .
> In article >, says...
>> On 11/17/2017 9:21 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> >
>> > Do you know what I got at Fred Meyers? A few cans of P$$$t green beans
>> > labeled assorted cuts. Those things were anything but organized, let me
>> > tell ya. They should have formed a union years ago. Seriously. Long
>> > ones, short cuts but thankfully no French. They were darned hard to
>> > eat.
> No table cutlery? No teeth? Mooooooo
Hard to keep on the fork because so many small pieces. Hard to get in a
spoon because of long pieces.
>> > I took my kitchen shears to the last can, trying to make them all small
>> > and added them to soup. At least they were cheap!
>> Will there ever come a time when you don't complain about something?
>> "Darned hard to eat". That gets old.
> She probably just lies around chewing the cud.
> Janet UK