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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dont feel so bad, just up north in Vancouver BC there is no such law,
but it's left at the discretion of the apartment owners/strata
council. Suffice to say, most places won't allow any form of bbq
regardless if the building is concrete or wood frame. In fact, more
and more apartment managers/owners are banning grilling. It just goes
to show you that those that can't afford a house get shafted

"F.G. Whitfurrows" > wrote in message
: After much heavy grilling from the public, the council has decided
to put
: off making a decision on the legality of apt grilling until
sometime around
: the first of the year. I'm assuming they believe everyone will
forget all
: about it in the middle of the winter, and there will be no problem
: their little law at that time.
: I, of course, is just a ignant conpeeracee theerist.
: --
: Fosco Gamgee Whitfurrows
: and his 6" seg