Thread: casa
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casa chevrolet casa chevrolet is offline
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Default casa

On 11/20/2017 1:09 PM, sanne wrote:
> Am Montag, 20. November 2017 17:32:15 UTC+1 schrieb casa chevrolet:
>> On 11/20/2017 4:28 AM, sanne wrote:
>>> All I've seen that person do constantly and in many posts is
>>> - insulting people
>>> - adding fuel to the fire
>>> - posting lengthy articles containing further links
>>> (sometimes even food-related - I give him that)
>>> - accusing others of being this: - well, compare to the above.
>>> I've hesitated for a long time to post this, but to me, those posts
>>> render rfc mostly unpleasant.
>>> Go ahead, flame me now - I'm only a humble googlegrouper after all. ;-)
>>> Bye, Sanne.

>> Pity you chose to ignore/deny all the food and cooking posts, but then
>> you simply have a preconceived agenda to service, so impartiality is out.
>> And that has nothing to do with googoo groups or any other posting service.

> I sincerely apologize for that - but with all the forgeries involved,
> those are hard to spot.
> Have you ever considered to report the abuse?
> Bye, Sanne.

Have you considered pulling your head out of your ass and using
a real NSP?
My mental health professional has directed me to apologize to this
group at large and to Marty and Steven in specific for acting out
here. A change in my medications is being made to address a disorder I
have been experiencing this summer. I will be monitored, but I am no
longer allowed to engage in certain activities I previously have
enjoyed as they exacerbate my condition. I apologize for being
disruptive, in a better state of mind this was generally not an issue
for me.