Thread: Sous vide users
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Sous vide users

On 11/20/2017 1:24 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Monday, November 20, 2017 at 4:22:04 AM UTC-10, Mark Storkamp wrote:
>> You can slow cook in your oven, but I don't have any pans that would
>> keep the top of the pot hot if it was sitting on a simmer burner turned
>> on low. As for the cost, I consider any time my oven is on in the winter
>> months is free. The heat is staying in the house and keeping the furnace
>> from running as often.

> My guess is that a gas oven would be very comforting during the winter because it would provide water vapor as well as heat to the house. On the other hand, it kind of sucks in the tropic because it provides water vapor as well as heat to the kitchen. On the other hand, I have never operated a gas oven on the mainland during the winter so that's just a guess.

Not enough water vapor to make much difference. The kitchen will be
comfy while it is running but when really cold we run a humidifier.