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MaryL MaryL is offline
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Default Ping: Jill - Chicken a la King

On 11/18/2017 1:59 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> I tried the scan, but it is very fine print and not easy to read.
> I've typed it word for word.
> Chicken a la King
> ------------------
> 1 cup of cooked chicken, either cubed or cut in irregular pieces
> 1/2 cup sautéed musherooms
> 1/4 cup canned pimientos (I buy them whole and slice them, rather
> died)
> It's possible you had pimiento, and not sweet red pepper,
> but either would work.
> 3 tablespoons chicken fat or butter, melted
> 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
> 1-1/2 cups chicken stock or cream, or 3/4 cup of each
> Mix butter and flour and cook to form a roux, stirrig constantly.
> Add the stock or cream gradually and bring to a boil.
> Add the chicken, mushrooms, and pimiento,and green pepper if used..
> Reduce heat. Pour some of the sauce into a lightly beaten egg yolk.
> Return to heat and permit it to thicken.
> You may optionally add toasted slivered almonds and 1 tablesoon dry
> sherry.
> It doesn't call for green pepper, however, it would be easy enough to
> sauté the green pepper until just tender. I would suggest about 1/4
> cup, diced.
> Serve over puff pastry patty shells, or over steamed rice.
> NOTE: Copied from The Joy of Cooking, 1964 Edition.
> ENJOY!!!

This brings back memories. My mother used to make chicken a la king.
She served it over little pastry shells that she baked in muffin tins.
The whole thing was covered in chicken gravy. It was delicious!
