Chili for around 20-30 people
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Chili for around 20-30 people
On 2017-11-21,
> wrote:
> It should not be flaming hot (not everyone likes that) I think it
> generally has beans, meat and lots of tomato. Also one of the picky
> ones reckons he is allergic to oregano, so exclude that
I see
> there are recipes for doing in the oven, or crockpot but I think for
> so much my overgrown stock pot will be best on stove top.
I once attended a small chili cookoff. On one hand, hadda guy pulling
out fine steaks of meat, fresh off the vine peppers, etc. Two spaces
away, some guy was prepping canned tomatoes and peppers, simple meat
products, etc. He explained he'd once gone through all that whole
"fresh" rigmarole fer chili, but he quickly learned "canned" is good
enough to win.
I did NOT see how the cook-off wound up. 8|
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