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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default recipes you can't find.....

On 2017-11-19 3:34 PM, notbob wrote:
> Ever had that certain recipe, that original that jes couldn't be
> improved upon?
> My mom's lamb kebobs were like that. I'd start eating those unctuous
> bits o' meat while they were still marinationg (overnight), they were
> so dang good. I never got the recipe and do NOT know what she did.
> Kills me!

It is likely the standard Greek and middle eastern treatment..... one
part lemon juice and two parts olive oil, salt, pepper, chopped garlic
and some oregano.

> A killer recipe fer 'greens'. If I had it, I could rule the World!!
> You?

I'll pass on the greens. One recipe I would like is probably in my
mother's recipe book, which my brother has. My mother and her mother
used to make oatmeal cookie sandwiches with date filling. The date
filling is simple enough. The oatmeal cookie dough was made in advance,
cooled for a while, then rolled out and cut in rounds. They could be
eaten on their own, but were infinitely better as sandwiches with either
date filling or raspberry jam.