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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Did You Remember???

"Cheri" wrote in message news
"U.S. Janet B." > wrote in message
> On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 15:54:52 -0000, Janet > wrote:
>>In article >,
>>> It will be different stuff this year.
>>> My grandson is flying in from Portland (new freshman there) and will
>>> be staying with my ex. My ex's wife's son just moved his family here
>>> from SF. We will all be going to my ex's wife's son's new home for
>>> Thanksgiving dinner. My ex is doing the turkey on their Weber, his
>>> wife is doing dessert. The son's wife is doing appetizers, mashed
>>> potatoes and assorted go along's, son is planning an extensive bar,
>>> The son's two little kids are darn cute and pretty well behaved. My
>>> ex's father-in-law is a sweetie and my before dinner sipping partner

>> I can't keep up. So your sweetie is the grandfather of your ex's
>>stepson, or the step-grandfather of your grandson....
>> ;-)
>> Janet UK

> You obviously haven't had the benefit of watching any U.S. soap
> operas;-} My grandson is the son of my daughter (mine and my ex's).
> We've always had holidays and birthdays together so that our daughter
> would always have mother and father and more. It has worked and
> friends, neighbors and families have adjusted to the oddity. Everyone
> is welcome everywhere.
> Janet US

Good for you, more families should do that and then the kids wouldn't have
to be torn and can have the benefit of many people who love them.



There can't be many families who are so civilised and happy to be all

I am impressed. Wonderful
