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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Did You Remember???

On 2017-11-22 12:23 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 19:04:14 -0000, Janet > wrote:
>> In article >, says...
>>> Janet wrote:
>>>> In article >,

>>>> says...
>>>>> It will be different stuff this year.
>>>>> My grandson is flying in from Portland (new freshman there) and will
>>>>> be staying with my ex. My ex's wife's son just moved his family here
>>>>> from SF. We will all be going to my ex's wife's son's new home for
>>>>> Thanksgiving dinner. My ex is doing the turkey on their Weber, his
>>>>> wife is doing dessert. The son's wife is doing appetizers, mashed
>>>>> potatoes and assorted go along's, son is planning an extensive bar,
>>>>> The son's two little kids are darn cute and pretty well behaved. My
>>>>> ex's father-in-law is a sweetie and my before dinner sipping partner
>>>> I can't keep up. So your sweetie is the grandfather of your ex's
>>>> stepson, or the step-grandfather of your grandson....
>>>> ;-)
>>> How funny, Janet UK. I just read that post a few minutes ago and
>>> I was also getting confused with all the "ex" mentions. lol that
>>> you just said that! Happy Holiday. uhhh is Thanksgiving
>>> celebrated in the UK?

>> No. We celebrate turkey dinner at Christmas.
>> Janet UK

> I thought al la Scrooge, that it was a great big goose
> Janet US

I t used to be many, many years ago. My parents decided to have goose
one xmas when sis & I were toddlers. We were both sick on the day and my
parents joylessly ate goose. Because of that association with sickness,
after that we always had a home-raised chicken, later a turkey.