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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Happy Thanksgiving

On 2017-11-23 7:56 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 5:46:21 PM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:

>> We're not dumb. We have it before the winter turns nasty ;-)

> I like having Thanksgiving in November. I can usually use the
> great outdoors as an overflow fridge. Plus, in early October,
> we're still likely on air-conditioning and I don't want to run
> the oven.
> I'm going to haul the turkey up out of the basement fridge early,
> give it a shower, and put it on the (cold) gas grill to await
> stuffing. I'll probably put the carcass back on the grill
> overnight and boil it tomorrow.
> Then again, we don't travel or have people travel to visit us.
> If the weather is bad, we just hunker down and cook. OTOH,
> if the weather is good, we just hunker down and cook.

It was mainly the travel that I was thinking about. I know that it is a
major travel holidays of the year and the first snows can cause some of
the worst travel woes.

That reminds me..... I had to ply out to Victoria by way of Edmonton.
There was snow on the ground and some sort of precipitation happening.
Thank goodness I did not have to go outside, but the plane got de-iced
just before take-off. I know that it is a good thing to be de-iced, but
it is still a little disconcerting to know that they have to take
special safety precautions just as you are about to go where man was
never really meant to be.