Happy Thanksgiving
Cindy, I do pretty much the same thing. We have a three-season porch that gets as cold as the outdoors, so I put the outdoor plant shelves in the porch for the winter. In the late fall, the porch is a walk-in fridge, by December, it's a walk-in freezer. It's not quite cold enough in NH to put the turkey carcass out there this afternoon, but by tonight it'll be in the low 30°s if I open a couple windows.
We'll be having a very quiet holiday season this year, the mom of the largest family that usually comes, my young cousin, has been diagnosed with ALS, and it's going pretty fast. She can no longer travel. My son's family can't come because of work commitments. So that leaves me, hubby, and two bachelor brothers-in-law who barely talk. It sucks being the only female in the family.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
Denise in NH