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Nancy Young[_9_] Nancy Young[_9_] is offline
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Posts: 813
Default Happy Thanksgiving

On 11/23/2017 11:23 AM, wrote:

> We'll be having a very quiet holiday season this year, the mom of the largest family that usually comes, my young cousin, has been diagnosed with ALS, and it's going pretty fast. She can no longer travel.

I'm sorry to hear that. We lost my mother this year so I am concerned
how it's going to go today.

> My son's family can't come because of work commitments. So that leaves me, hubby, and >two bachelor brothers-in-law who barely talk. It sucks being the only female in the >family.

Thank goodness my brothers got married, it used to be up to me to be
entertaining at the dinner table on holidays. You couldn't shut them
up as kids but then they turned into teens. Now I have chatty sisters-
in-law and nieces. Thank you!
> Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

You too!
