Cool Whip...!!!
jmcquown wrote:
> Nitrous oxide. Known to kill a few brain cells.
So does wine, beer, and other adult beverages.
Plus the now slowly turning legal pot too.
Think of all the people that love wine with meals.
Or any other time, for that matter.
Good thing about wine with meals is that you can be
a bad cook and the food will taste better as the meal
Eat out at some ridiculously expensive restaurant and
you will naturally get a bottle of wine with the meal
too. That soothes the pain and numbs the mind for
when you get the bill.
> No one should be this stupid.
John 8:7 "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a
stone at her"
We are all getting older and brain cells are dying off. Better to
let the taste-buds take charge before it's too late and doctors
demand you eat like crap for the rest of your miserable failing
life. No matter what you do, you're still on the way out. In some
cases, an extra few years of life due to denying enjoyable
things, is not the best option.
Just live each day like it's your last (within reason). You never
know, it might be.