Thread: Cool Whip...!!!
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Bruze Bruze is offline
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Default Cool Whip...!!!

On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 05:39:27 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Thursday, November 23, 2017 at 8:14:01 AM UTC-5, wrote:

>> Not surprising!

>Can you cite a reputable source? A peer-reviewed journal article, perhaps?
>Something in the Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology?
>> Hydrogenated oils: Hydrogenated oils have been shown time and again to
>> cause heart disease by increasing LDL (the bad stuff) and lowering HDL
>> (the good stuff).

>Once a year won't hurt.
>> (High fructose) corn syrup: Not all calories are alike, and neither
>> are all sugars. Princeton University recently found that corn syrup
>> causes stronger weight gain than regular table sugar—and may also
>> contributete more heavily to obesity and diabetes. And recent studies
>> show it may also contain trace amounts of mercury, which may cause
>> cancer, reproductive disorders and a myriad of degenerative diseases.

>Compared to my mercury amalgam fillings, broken fluorescent light bulbs
>and broken thermometers, the trace amounts of mercury in HFCS are in the
>> Skim milk and light cream: Researchers have found a strong association
>> between skim or fat-free milk and cancer—especially prostate cancer in
>> men.

>What are the details? Is it just the skim milk? Is it a regular diet
>of skim milk? If I put skim milk and half-and-half in my annual coffee
>at Starbucks (I prefer 2% milk, so I try to approximate), am I going
>to get cancer?
>> Sodium caseinate: This dairy derivative has been linked to autism,
>> brain malfunctions and allergies.

>I think I'm way past worrying about autism. The only obvious brain
>malfunction that I have is reading and posting to Usenet.
>> Natural and artificial flavor: Come on now. This can really be
>> anything. “N&A,” as dubbed in the food chemistry world, can be from
>> vegetable or animal sources, can contain gluten or chemicals, can be
>> various forms of MSG (which, as a “flavor enhancer,” pops up in most
>> “flavors”).

>Oh noes! Gluten! I can't put Cool Whip on my cake!
>MSG! Holy moley. Good thing I wasn't going to use Cool Whip on my
>parmesan cheese.
>> Xantham & guar gums: These are used as a laxative, in medicines, and
>> as a thickener in foods by mixing sugars and bacteria. In small doses,
>> it shouldn’t pose a problem for individuals, but large amounts can
>> cause diarrhea.

>I'll be sure not to eat a 55-gallon drum of Cool Whip.
>> Polysorbate 60: Used in foods and beauty products, this
>> chemically-derived emulsifier has been linked to organ toxicity,
>> diarrhea and tumors in lab mice.

>At a dose of 1 gram per kilogram, intravenous. I don't think I'm
>going to mainline 100 grams of Polysorbate 60.
>> Sorbitan monostearate: This chemically-derived substance is commonly
>> referred to as “synthetic wax”—yes, you’re eating synthetic wax. In
>> numerous studies, this substance has been linked to skin, eye and
>> respiratory irritants to stomach disruptions.

>Oh, if I had a nickel for every pair of wax lips I've eaten. Granted,
>that was paraffin.
>Note to self: Do not inhale Cool Whip. It could be a respiratory
>> Beta carotene: This might be the sole ingredient in Cool Whip that
>> actually isn’t toxic. Hooray for that!

Cindy has blind faith in scientists. She'll lick a spoon, survive and
conclude that consumption of metals isn't bad for you.