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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default One Thing I Forgot About Fancy Thanksgivings

On 2017-11-23 3:45 PM, Hank Rogers wrote:
> I felt bad, but I had done my damndest to warn him. We stayed friends
> for a long time until he moved away and I lost contact with him. He
> never again asked me for any of my hot peppers

LOL thinking about the time I went for a Chinese dinner with my
co-worker whose usual response to advice was "I know". He surprised my
by ordering dish that can be quite spicy, because he was not big on hot,
spicy food. I spotted a large chunk of the spicy pepper on his fork and
warned him..... I know. I said it was a big chunk.... I know. I said
the peppers are really hot ...... I know.

He put it into his mouth and started chewing. All of a sudden it hit
him and he was gasping and said it was really hot.... and I said "I
know" ;-)

I usually taste the food before I start adding hot sauces or peppers. A
couple weeks ago my wife and I went to a new (to us) . Mexican
restaurant. I tried my dish before adding ant sauce, not knowing whether
to add mild, medium or hot sauce. As it turned out, the dish was really
hot. Any more heat would have rendered it inedible.