One Thing I Forgot About Fancy Thanksgivings
On 2017-11-24 10:26 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> I eat tomatoes in every form available.Â* Fresh, canned, sauce, sun
> dried.Â* I dislike tomato juice though.Â* Won't have a Bloody Mary but
> will make one for my wife.
This thread reminded me that it seemed to be a thing back in the 50s to
have a glass of tomato juice as a sort of appetizer. I liked it, but I
guess as my gall bladder got worse and worse I cut tomatoes from my diet.
I have had the odd Bloody Mary and enjoyed them. The Bloody Caesar seems
to have replaced the Bloody Mary up here. For some reason Americans
seem reluctant to mix their Vodka with Clamato juice.