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Default OT - for the guys

On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 09:51:18 -0400, wrote:

>On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 06:34:03 -0700, graham > wrote:
>>20 years ago during a check-up, my Dr subjected me to the usual DRE and
>>found a lump. Today, Friday, is the 20th anniversary of the radical
>>prostatectomy that dealt with the cancer, which was already quite
>>advanced. The surgeon fortunately got it in time.
>>My point in raising the subject is that all you guys who post here
>>should get a regular check-up and PSA test. And ladies, persuade your
>>husbands to do the same!

>Congrats - that also applies to my eldest SIL, if it's not 20 years at
>the moment, it's very close to.

Your SIL gets a prostate exam?

I've been going to my Urologist once a year for a very long time...
Dr. Linda is very gentle and has long slender fingers... some male
doctors have fingers like kielbasas and have no finesse. My primary
care doc includes a PSA in my yearly blood work up. So far no
problems. Women need regular exams at their GYNs too and Mammograms
also. It always amazes me how many never see a doctor until it's too