Thread: Cool Whip...!!!
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Cool Whip...!!!

On 2017-11-24, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

> Yes, it's almost impossible to find heavy whipping cream that isn't
> ultra-pasteurized. Currently there is no store in my area that
> sells heavy whipping cream that hasn't been ultra-pasteurized. Add
> to that the fact that 36% butterfat is thie highest butterfat
> content in heavy whippig cream to be found in most stores in the US.
> That makes it almost impossible to whip the cream stiff enough for
> most purposes and the fact that it soon begins to liquify. Whoever
> made these decisions are complete idiots.
> Dr. Oetker's Whip It does _not_ contain gelatin. Whip It Whip is
> made with dextrose (aka glucose), modified corn starch and
> tricalcium phosphate (anticaking agent). It is tasteless and
> odorless and can keep stabilized whipped cream for at least a couple
> of days.

Thnx fer the reply, Wayne. Very informative.

So, 40% cream is the ultimate? I rarely use any cream, but it's good
to know.
