OT - for the guys
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Casa de perritos felices
external usenet poster
Posts: 206
OT - for the guys
On 11/24/2017 1:34 PM, Sheldon Katz socked up as
> I've been going to my Urologist once a year for a very long time...
> Dr. Linda is very gentle and has long slender fingers... some male
> doctors have fingers like kielbasas and have no finesse. My primary
> care doc includes a PSA in my yearly blood work up. So far no
> problems. Women need regular exams at their GYNs too and Mammograms
> also. It always amazes me how many never see a doctor until it's too
> late.
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
My mental health professional has directed me to apologize to this
group at large and to Marty and Steven in specific for acting out
here. A change in my medications is being made to address a disorder I
have been experiencing this summer. I will be monitored, but I am no
longer allowed to engage in certain activities I previously have
enjoyed as they exacerbate my condition. I apologize for being
disruptive, in a better state of mind this was generally not an issue
for me.
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