On Sat, 25 Nov 2017 19:50:29 -0800 (PST), "
> wrote:
>> > wrote:
>> >> itsjoannotjoan wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Geez, I just want to try a slice.* What if that stuff is simply awful
>> >>> and my taste buds say "I can't believe you would assault us with this."
Joan you are begining by being so negative... nothing says you must
eat the entire slice... you'll know with a small bite.... actually
you'll know by looking and smelling. And not all scrapple is the
>> >> Joan think of eating scrapple like the first time you performed oral
>> >> sex, you were scared you'd hate it but then you loved it.
>Amazing how a simple discussion, like most all here, turn into
>something completely different that have nothing to do with the
>original subject.
If you like fried SPAM you'll like fried scrapple.