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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Breakfast today... misread a recipe

My son called this morning to say he would meet his mother in church and
come back here for brunch. I went out and got some nice bacon amd a
dozen eggs and prepared some oatmeal pancakes using buttermilk. Instead
of faking them like I usually do, I looked up a recipe online and
followed that. Maybe my glasses were dirty when I read it, but I reread
it and saw the same thing. It seemed odd for it to call for 1 tsp.
almond extract. I was going to cut it back but decided to stick with it.

Well, the pancakes turned out well, other than being IMO overwhelmed
with almond flavour. My wife and son loved them. I suggested that next
time I will cut back on the almond or use vanilla, but they insisted
they liked them like that. When I looked at the recipe later on I
realized I had misread it. It was supposed to be vanilla extract, not
almond. Now I am torn. They liked them more than I did, so maybe I can
use half as much almond extract.