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John Kuthe[_3_] John Kuthe[_3_] is offline
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Default Breakfast today... misread a recipe

On Sunday, November 26, 2017 at 5:46:14 PM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
> My son called this morning to say he would meet his mother in church and
> come back here for brunch. I went out and got some nice bacon amd a
> dozen eggs and prepared some oatmeal pancakes using buttermilk. Instead
> of faking them like I usually do, I looked up a recipe online and
> followed that. Maybe my glasses were dirty when I read it, but I reread
> it and saw the same thing. It seemed odd for it to call for 1 tsp.
> almond extract. I was going to cut it back but decided to stick with it.
> Well, the pancakes turned out well, other than being IMO overwhelmed
> with almond flavour. My wife and son loved them. I suggested that next
> time I will cut back on the almond or use vanilla, but they insisted
> they liked them like that. When I looked at the recipe later on I
> realized I had misread it. It was supposed to be vanilla extract, not
> almond. Now I am torn. They liked them more than I did, so maybe I can
> use half as much almond extract.

I ended up putting a BUNCH (TBS or so!) of almond in a batch of English Toffee and I did not even notice it! Of course the 4x recipe I make took 4tsp! Which kinda IS a bunch!

John Kuthe...