On Mon, 27 Nov 2017 17:32:24 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:
wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>> Talk about a stupid, redundant title, though!
>> https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddri...cooking-myths-
>> that-are-actually-false/ss-AAupWzO
>> Are any of them wrong? (I'm in a rush.)
>> Lenona.
>Not washing a cast iron pan. They are a bit off on this one.
>Sometimes you have to and that's ok. Just don't use a dishwasher.
>Don't do it unless you have to as it damages the patina. Mine normally
>cleans with a paper towel and a little very hot water.
>Rinsing Pasta, I find running tap level hot water works best, but maybe
>that's just me. I only do it when I need to keep it from sticking.
>Sea Shell pasta where I want it to keep a distinct shape for example.
>Baking soda never goes bad. Yes it does, but it takes years. Replacing
>every 6-12 months is wasteful here. Might ad that comes from a bakery
>and in that case, he'd never have that issue unless trying to buy 5-6
>years worth at a shot.
>Old eggs are best for boiling. I'm not really sure if this person ever
>had a truely fresh egg, warm from the nest. In Japan, I got them
>sometimes still warm from the nest though of course they were abient
>temp by afternoon if I didnt shop that morning. No, they do not peel
>easily regardless of how you cook them, but then, we didnt waste those
>on boiled eggs.
>Removing Skin before cooking chicken. This seems to be an attempt to
>lower the fat. Cooking the chicken with the skin on, even if you
>remove the skin before eating, it going to have at least some of the
>skin fat leach into the meat. Personally, I don't remove the skin
>except in one particular dish where the meat actually works better
>flavored that way.
>Mushrooms never need rinsing. Actually, grab that kitchen spray handle
>and you may be amazed at the dirt stuff that comes off. Important part
>is more to cook them within say 30 minutes of that.
>On flour sifting not being needed, the person hasn't a clue on baking.
>Though actual 'sifting' if farily rare now, either a proper weight of
>the flour or learning to properly fluff it is essential to get the
>right amount.
>Marinades don't tenderize meat. Clueless person here. That or they
>havent a clue on how to make a tenderizing marinade. They may have
>been using all sorts of things that don't tenderize and gotten confused
>due to it.
>You can cook in a cold pan. Yes, you can. It totally depends on what
>it is. Imagine 'prewarming a pan' before you add cold water and still
>shelled eggs to make hard boiled ones.
>Stale Bread has lost it's moisture. I think this person only buys
>store bread with unpronouncable chemical ingredients? I think he's
>wrong on fresh real bread. It's moisture there.
>Basically it's an idiot article but fun to laugh at.
> Carol
Nothing idiot about the article if you had read it. The article was
meant to draw attention and then educate.
But I will tell you about stale bread. It is a chemical process not
simply a process of drying out. Read up on "bread staling."