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Casa de perritos felices Casa de perritos felices is offline
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Posts: 206
Default I just ordered 6 20oz covered glass bowl with glass lids! $34.50!

On 11/27/2017 11:06 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 12:17:12 AM UTC-5, Casa de perritos felices wrote:
>> On 11/27/2017 7:14 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 7:33:57 PM UTC-5, Casa de perritos felices wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> How goes the remodel and roof repair - any new pics to share?
>>> Not much new to show, yet. I paid for and closed on the house Oct 31, and the Occupancy Permit Inspector was SO BLOWN AWAY by the new front porch, all the new windows, tuckpointing, etc. that his mind was almost made up to pass it as he was only able to inspect the outside at first because I was not home! Yet! So I called him on his cell phone after I got home and he came back over and didn't even want to inspect the three upstairs bedrooms! He wanted to see the basement, which I was proud to show him because it's NEW CARPETING after Woodard Disaster Recovery and Mold Remediation cleaning!! And NO MORE TOILETS and only the laundry room sink with a new faucet and good drain line!
>>> John Kuthe...

>> You are so into this, so happy, so totally in a groove that I have to
>> say it is both a pleasure to hear the narratives (always interesting)
>> see the personal touches, and moreover get a supremely positive vibe off
>> where your head is at - which I call a damned good place!
>> For your few and worthless detractors and bullies here I say - Drop Dead.
>> You nailed the happiness equation - all else MUST and will pay cash.
>> And you did it by not listening to naysayers.
>> That I call priceless regardless of which portions of this experience
>> prove out fully.
>> Courage rocks.
>> Onward.

> Beautiful! :-)
> Thanks, John Kuthe...

You are welcome.

It just makes me grin to see all the negative commentary rendered null
and void.

Why this group still has a bully culture is evident, but neutralizing it
with a does of reality lived large is is brilliant.

Now cue up the haters, eh Bwuthe?